A Beginning of Sorts
Our journey is only beginning, and now you are a part of it. I’m overwhelmed with gratitude to have you here, my friend.
They say business isn’t personal, but in my case, it is (in the best way possible). I grew up in the country surrounded by fields, animals and land as far as I could see it. After college I moved to Tokyo, Japan and boy was it hard to try and find some nature in the middle of the city, but I did. In little ways, my heart would find spots of space and “country”. One of those spots was the cutest little flower shop at a train station that would greet me whenever I returned home. It was so special to me to have a touch of “nature” in the midst of concrete buildings and bustling. Through the next few years I dabbled with little gardens in different cities and urban areas always wishing I could have a bit more space to grow a “true” garden.
When we moved back to Illinois I had my heart set on acreage. But God had other plans and led us to a small urban neighborhood with the cutest house and big backyard. I realized I had been waiting for the “perfect farm” to build my dreams and sat in the waiting room for years. Once I was in my home I didn't hesitate to kill off the grass and decide that waiting for “perfect” wasn't going to work.
With the help of many key players (to be introduced as we go) the backyard garden of my dreams began to take shape.
I thought I needed the farm, farmhouse, acreage and all the pieces of my dream but through some interesting lessons I realized I was living my dream and could either embrace it or wait for whatever “perfect” was that would never come.
Enter in Three Berry Flowers and my little micro flower farm! I am so glad that now YOU are a part of our story too!