how about a throwback picture & a confession

how about a throwback picture & a confession

I have always believed that gardens go with homes.  I never considered not having a garden because the generations above me always had a garden.
Great Grandparents and Grandparents all had beautiful flowers growing but they most magical of all was the garden one of my beloved Grandmothers had that stretched across the entire back of her yard.  
She had so much beauty in that space, that it was a treasure for me to explore and I knew that when I was grown, beginning my own family, a garden would come with it.
I wanted my children to experience the beauty and the sheer joy of being lost in such abundance.
Once I overnighted my Grandmother lemons from my lemon tree I was blessed to acquire with Mikey's and my first apartment in California.
She immediately made a meringue pie and wouldn't you know it, she stuck a seed in a pot and had a little lemon tree growing in her Illinois home soon after.
She had the most contagious joy and her garden reflected that.
Everywhere you looked there was life, the plants swaying with laughter, and abundance of gifts.
The garden is a great gift-giver reflecting the Greatest of All Gift Givers.  We may tend to it, water it, toil in the hot sun but we cannot force the seed to become what it becomes. As much as I care for my plants I can't actually make the zinnia seed to sprout for me.
We are only tend the caretakers of the gift that the garden is and the gifts the garden gives to us.
Just as we tend the gifts life gives to us in other forms.
Our children. Our homes. Our communities. Our parents. Our friends. Our favorite coffee mug. Our favorite chair that catches the first rays of sunshine in the morning.
This is the reason we do what we do at Three Berry Flowers. We want to share the gift the garden offers.
The gift of life, love, and abundance.
What is the gift life is offering you?
Let's encourage each other to sit a moment longer with friends, make the phone calls, or even pull your child away from their play - with their eyes rolling, capture the photo of them with the flowers that in 30 years they will appreciate with all their hearts.
Comment below and tell me what are some gifts you are experiencing right now?
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