How are you doing, friend?

How are you doing, friend?

Are you breathing deeply from a place of rest or taking shallow gulps as you rush through your email inbox?
I get it.
I'm not sure where the summer went but zzzzttttt… there it went!
At the end of a month I like to check in with myself and make note of what worked and what didn't.  Many thanks to author Emily P. Freeman for guiding me on this path of pausing to reflect.
I invite you, dear friend, to take a moment and reflect on these questions with me. I'll tell you the questions and answer them below with the hopes that it will help steer you into your own reflection as well.
  1. What brought a smile to your face this month?
  2. Where did you feel exhausted this month?
  3. How can you show yourself kindness this next month?

  • What brought a smile to your face this month?
This month I got to visit with my best friend & her family for a long weekend + took the girls on a spontaneous day trip to an amusement park.  It was these little “escapes” from our daily life that refreshed me and brought so much laughter to our lives.
  • Where did you feel exhausted this month?
Getting back into the school routine and balancing school + work life again was a rude awakening. I had to lower expectations for myself and ask for (a lot of) help!
  • How can you show yourself kindness this next month?
I am continuing to ask for help & lower my expectations for what my day should look like. Do I have goals? Yes! But I also have kindness when days turn out differently than I had hoped. (which spoiler alert: happens 99.9% of the time)
How can you reflect back on your August and enter into September more gently with yourself?  
You are important to this world and your life matters.
Go ahead, comment below and let me know your answers to one or all of the above questions! I would love to hear from you!
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